“I started photography as a hobby. I’m still doing it as a hobby.”
site: http://www.alinpopescu.eu/
blog: http://www.alinpopescu.eu/blog/

“I started photography as a hobby. I’m still doing it as a hobby.”
site: http://www.alinpopescu.eu/
blog: http://www.alinpopescu.eu/blog/
Narcis Virgiliu este un fotograf roman care a terminat New York Institute of Photography şi a fost premiat de revista Playboy trei ani consecutiv. Locuieste la Bucuresti.
blog: http://www.narcisvirgiliu.ro/blog/
Ion Zupcu, fotograf roman stabilit la New York. specializat in fine-art.
“Most people take images of other people to preserve memories. I photograph objects to preserve my memories.”
site: http://www.ionzupcu.ro/