
Mihai Vasile

April 3rd, 2011 | Posted by admin in Bucuresti | Mihai Vasile | Photojournalism | Travel - (0 Comments)

Mihai Vasile – freelance photographer, photojournalist, based in Bucharest.

portofoliu: http://www.lightstalkers.org/mihai-vasile/


Bogdan Stamatin: fotojurnalist / Mediafax

muzician / Replace

“M-am nascut la poalele Raraului, iar acolo, pentru ca apa calda curgea la robinet o data pe luna, faceam dus cu lapte cald, direct muls de la vaca. Glumesc. Doar ca as putea trai linistit, doar cu brânza, rosii si pâine.”

“Dieta pe care o tin e una spirituala, am renuntat la televizor si la radio. Rezultatele au fost pe masura, acum am cu 20% mai putine riduri. Si mai tin toate posturile ortodoxe. Asadar, inima mi-e cu 30% mai usoara.”

“Nu ma dau batut, chiar daca, câteodata, ma simt precum un predicator in desert”

“M-am apucat de muzica din patriotism”


Bogdan Maran

March 30th, 2011 | Posted by jurnalist in Bogdan Maran - (0 Comments)

Bogdan Maran: “pentru ca de obicei nu stiu ce fac, cum fac, si, din cand in cand, de ce fac …. dar imi place”

Bogdan is a young photojournalist based in London, but with over six years of experience in the field, working at the highest level, covering events from Afghanistan to the football world cup, or the Olympic games.

Until 2010 he was based in Romania where he worked for the main agencies and also a contributor to Reuters, Associated Press or France Press.

He moved to London in August 2010 and is working here since.

He has been recognized by AAFR (Romanian Photographic Arts Association) and AFR (Romania Photojournalist Association)

site: http://bogdanmaran.photoshelter.com/

blog: http://dedaia.blogspot.com/


Andrei Pungovschi este fotojurnalist, freelancer, stabilit in Bucuresti, Romania. Studii de jurnalism la Bucuresti si de fotojurnalism la Universitatea din Missouri (bursa Fulbright). De asemenea a participat la mai multe cursuri: Missouri Photo Workshop, Mountain Workshop, Foundry Workshop si World Press Photo Masterclass pentru sud-estul Europei.
Premii: Pictures of the Year International, College Photographer of the Year, The Missouri Press Association and Norhtweast Regional Emmy.

site: http://www.andreipungovschi.com
blog: http://unfoto.blogspot.com/

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