
Dan Mititelu

August 11th, 2011 | Posted by admin in Dan Mititelu | Fine-art | Iasi - (1 Comments)

Dan Mititelul (n. 1959, Iasi). Unul din cei mai mari fotografi romani. Specializat in fotografie artistica, eseu, fotojurnalism. Profesor de fotografie la Clubul Fotografilor din Iasi.
Site: http://dan-mititelu.ro/alternative
61 de articole ilustrate: http://dan-mititelu.ro/semne

Inainte de `89, si dupa, o vreme, Dan Mititelu a ilustrat Opinia Studenteasca cu lucrari fulminante, fara egal de atunci in presa romaneasca, strecurate printr-o incredibila lucratura prin cenzura acelor ani; si azi, acele imagini pot fara indoiala constitui o lucrare fundamentala in istoria fotografiei romanesti.
Numai pentru acele lucrari de atunci, si ar merita sa fie considerat printre cei mai mari fotografi din estul Europei. (fragment din articolul Scoala de la Iasi – Dan Mititelu, semnat de Dinu Lazar)



Ion Paciu. Fotograf roman. Stabilit la Londra. Membru al Royal Photographic Society (RPS). Specializat in portrete si arhitectura.
Cursuri de fotografie: www.londondigitalphotographycourses.co.uk
Proiect “People I didn’t know”: http://peopleididntknow.co.uk/

“People I didn’t know” is a self initiated project which aims to shed new light on portrait photography. It all began when – a long time ago – I stopped someone on the street in London and asked them to pose for me. Well, if you live in London you know it’s the city of no eye contact, where everyone looks straight ahead and strives to keep their private life well, private.
The images for this project were made ad-hoc on the street, on the tube, in shops, bars and train stations using most of the time natural light – and very rarely artificial light consisting of no more than a flash on the camera. Only minor adjustments were made in post processing including the black and white conversion.

Every person in these images was, at the time of shooting, a stranger I stopped on the street and asked to pose for me. They are the people I didn’t know. With many of them I keep in touch regularly and some became my friends. Some of them became my models and they pose for my students during my photography courses.

‘People I didn’t know’ is a homage to human nature, the art of photography and a quest to bring together our solitary Londoner souls.

There are hundreds of images on my drive which need converted and uploaded. Images are being uploaded on a daily basis so please keep looking.

Ion Paciu
Photographer and trainer at Photoion Photography


Vlad Eftenie

March 29th, 2011 | Posted by admin in Bucuresti | Street-photography | Travel | Vlad Eftenie - (0 Comments)

Vlad Eftenie este arhitect, asistent la Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism Ion Mincu din Bucuresti. Fotografiaza strada, priveste oamenii si parcurge locurile pe care ei le traiesc cu o privire sensibila care cauta detalii dincolo de aparente (…)Trebuie numite in acest sens descrierile fotografice urbane ale oraselor europene in care a fost calator din Franta, Belgia, Olanda, Portugalia, Germania, Italia, Armenia si bineinteles, cea mai mare parte a Romaniei. In acest sens, descrierile sale in care ilustreaza Parisul, Berlinul, Lisabona, Venetia, Erevan, Bucuresti, etc. scriu capitole de fotografie de strada care definesc o estetica riguroasa si foarte personala. (…) In tara, expeditiile pe care le-a intreprins la Rosia Montana, Zlatna-Abrud, Baia Mare, in satele Maramuresului, pe Valea Jiului, traseul Drobeta-Anina, proiectul de arheologie industriala, proiectul ‘Oamenii Deltei’  prin incursiunile de la Tulcea, Caraorman, Letea, Maliuc, Sulina etc. aduc o imagine realista in cheie proprie a contrastelor si armoniilor spiritului autohton.

sursa: “Fotografia de strada – un interviu cu Vlad Eftenie”
portofoliu:  http://veftenie.daportfolio.com/

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