
“Distorsionez pentru că lumea nu este aşa cum credem noi că este. De exemplu, când suntem copii vedem lucrurile şi oamenii frumoşi, uneori doar lucrurile sunt frumoase, când iubim, îmbrăcăm iubitul sau iubita în haine pe care poate nu le merită, îl zugrăvim în culori care ne plac nouă, îl distorsionăm în mintea noastră şi mai târziu ne dăm seama că nu e ceea ce am crezut că e, că de fapt este o distorsiune la distorsiunea noastră iniţială sau poate este chiar realitatea…”, mărturiseşte fotograful Ionel Onofraş.

Ionel Onofras. Fotograf roman. Fost primar al Iasului. Isi descopera vocatia in 1980 dupa ce primeste cadou de la sotia lui un aparat de fotografiat ZenitTTL. In 2008 se dedica fotografiei digitale si incepe explorarea acestui domeniu. Fotograful abordeaza un spectru larg de teme exprimate prin serii de fotografii dedicate unui anumit moment inspirational. “Romania pitoreasca” evoca dimensiunea pierduta a vietii autohtone – universul rural in toata frumusetea traditiilor pastrate.
blog: http://setter-photonest.blogspot.com/


Vlad Dumitrescu. Fotograf roman. Brasov. Pasionat de viata si traditiile satului romanesc.

Site: http://vlad-dumitrescu.blogspot.com/

Portofoliu: Vlad Dumitrescu / 1x.com

An introduction of my work should start with a short description of Romania. The magic of this country, lies in its landscapes and in its warm people that are living in villages from very close to the sea to the heart of the mountains. Every region has its own specific habits and its own stories, witch are making together the beautiful book, called – Romania. Every season is turning slowly page by page from this book, over and over again, for thousands of years. You can still find in these villages carts run by oxen, people working at the looms or in the fields with horses.
I must say that I am very lucky to live in this country, but at the same time, I am sorry to see that day by day something is changing as the modernism is cutting deeper and deeper in our old traditions.
My aim is to find during my walks up and down and around the hills, valleys and villages of Romania, old people and forgotten habits and try to bring back into present something that was lost in the past. The Romanian village is my main motive because I love it s people and it s habits and because I see it dying.
As I have a job that keeps me occupied during the week, my photographic work untill now was put up together during weekends and during the short holidays that I had since I started photography.
And, because I love stories, here are some stories made here, in Romania. Hope you like them!

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