
Floriana Barbu

July 27th, 2011 | Posted by admin in Deva | Digital-art | Fine-art | Floriana Barbu | Romania - (0 Comments)

Floriana Barbu. Fotograf roman. Nascuta in 2 februarie 1965. Locuieste in Deva. Specializata in fine-arts: fotografie artistica, prelucrare digitala a imaginilor, grafician 3D, editor video.
portofoliu: Floriana Barbu/photo.net
portofoliu: Floriana Barbu/Getty Images

Floriana Barbu. “I live and work in Deva, Transilvania, Romania.
I have a university degree, I graduated from the Politechnic University as an energetics engineer, but I have worked not one single day as an engineer.
I had had all kinds of jobs until 3D software was invented. I have been working as a graphic designer for twelve years. Five years ago I got a small compact Kodak camera as a gift from my husband and I have been working as a photographer ever since. Photography ranks first among the things I enjoy doing.
For the time being, I am working with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera.
I have two kinds of works: photos that I do not edit in Photoshop or I edit very little and photos that I edit quite a lot, I make some sort of a digital collage using several photos and pictures that I paint digitally.
Sometimes I paint my photos by hand.
In my photos or in my digital collages, I like creating a certain atmosphere, which I can imagine and feel before I start working. If I manage to get close to what I wanted, I am satisfied.”


Vlad Dumitrescu. Fotograf roman. Brasov. Pasionat de viata si traditiile satului romanesc.

Site: http://vlad-dumitrescu.blogspot.com/

Portofoliu: Vlad Dumitrescu / 1x.com

An introduction of my work should start with a short description of Romania. The magic of this country, lies in its landscapes and in its warm people that are living in villages from very close to the sea to the heart of the mountains. Every region has its own specific habits and its own stories, witch are making together the beautiful book, called – Romania. Every season is turning slowly page by page from this book, over and over again, for thousands of years. You can still find in these villages carts run by oxen, people working at the looms or in the fields with horses.
I must say that I am very lucky to live in this country, but at the same time, I am sorry to see that day by day something is changing as the modernism is cutting deeper and deeper in our old traditions.
My aim is to find during my walks up and down and around the hills, valleys and villages of Romania, old people and forgotten habits and try to bring back into present something that was lost in the past. The Romanian village is my main motive because I love it s people and it s habits and because I see it dying.
As I have a job that keeps me occupied during the week, my photographic work untill now was put up together during weekends and during the short holidays that I had since I started photography.
And, because I love stories, here are some stories made here, in Romania. Hope you like them!


Sebastian Enache. (n. 10 apr 1972). Fotograf de moda. Lucreaza pentru Elle, Cosmopolitan, Viva, Look, Glamour, Femeia, Bolero.
site: www.sebastianenache.com/

I am one lucky person to be able to work daily on my passion: photography! … and I am doing it since 1995.
Life is extremely surprising and inspiring when you capture its best moments. Places, people, animals, products, fashion, advertising, … you name it – I have them all as you can see inside this website.
The most beautiful thing about my passion is that it never ends and I always discover.

“Prima poza am facut-o in Alpi acum vreo 13 ani. Aveam un aparat din plastic dar care in conditii de lumina buna facea poze frumoase. Apoi m-a pacalit unul cu un Zenit vechi si aici s-a rupt filmul. Mi-am dat demisia din armata si m-am apucat de facut poze. Mai intai pe film, apoi pe diapozitiv si tot asa…. Zenitul l-am aruncat (eu n-am reusit sa pacalesc pe nimeni), dar parca mi-e dor de el – avea farmecul lui. Acum fac pe digital, fiindca asa e moda. Nu mai alerg dupa insecte, nu mai bat potecile de munte, ci sunt atent la machiaje, cute, sireturi… dar sa zicem ca e doar o etapa. O fi si altfel…

Printre revistele cu care colaborez: Elle, Cosmopolitan, Viva, Look, Glamour, Femeia, Bolero… “.


Mircea Branda, Gina Buliga, Alin Ciortea, Stefania Cruceru, Adrian Dumitrascu, Vlad Dumitrescu, Mihai Grigorescu, Marius Grozea, Mirela Momanu, Bogdan Panait, Petra Penciulescu, Adrian Petrisor, Alin Petrus, Ovidiu Satmari, Zsolt Simay, Hajdu Tamas, Remus Tiplea si Tatiana Volontir sunt invitati sa expuna fotografiile lor in cadrul primei expozitii PHOTOsharp Romania!

Derulata in cadrul Festivalului International de Fotografie si in perioada Zilelor Clujului, expozitia se va desfasura intre 27 mai si 3 iunie 2011, in Bastionul Croitorilor, Cluj-Napoca. Fiind compusa din lucrari deosebite, apreciate de comunitatea PHOTOsharp si purtand semnatura unor fotografi de cotatie nationala si internationala, vernisajul acesteia se va desfasura in data de 28 mai 2011 in locatia in care sunt expuse lucrarile.


Stelian Pavalache (n. 1976) este membru al Asociatiei Fotografilor Romani (AFR) si al Extrem Alpin Asociation, administrator artistic al Dreamstime Agency.
Stelian Pavalache este unul dintre fotografii pe care nu ai cum sa nu ii invidiezi. A vazut lumea in lung si in lat, a fotografiat din Peru in India si Thailanda, a escaladat unii dintre cei mai inalti munti si a facut reportaje in sate izolate, departe de lumea civilizata.

site: http://www.photodesign.ro/

Satwa Guna este proiectul care v-a ocupat ultimii 9 ani. Cum a pornit acest proiect si ce v-ati propus sa realizati atunci cand l-ati inceput?

A pornit din dorinta de a cunoaste lumea personal, prin experimentare directa, de a recunoaste diversitatea formelor de educare personala, din fascinatia calatoriei in sine, din placerea de a urca muntii mari, de a fotografia lumile mai putin cunoscute oamenilor, de a relationa direct cu filosofii de viata unice in felul lor. Satwa Guna inseamna (in traducerea din sanscrita veche) Iluzia formei, si anume diversitatea manifestarilor provenite dintr-o sursa si radacina unica. Transpunerea in practica fotografica a acestei idei a fost motorul de inceput al proiectului, incercand astfel sa surprind similitudinile practicilor spirituale, practicilor sociale traditionale, obiceiurilor, porturilor, relatiile antropologice, geografice, etnografice etc. Cumva ingrata aceasta misiune gandind faptul ca o astfel de cercetare se cade a fi motivatia unui cercetator stiintific. Insa odata ajuns cu seninatatea si curiozitatea pura unui copi in lumea intima a oamenilor, acestia se dezvaluie teribil de curat, povestesc cu pasiune despre trecutul lor ancestral prin povestile stravechi ale bunicilor, prin tipologia practicilor spirituale, prin gesturi simple si profunde, prin priviri limpezi si zambitoare.”


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