


Dan St. Andrei. Fotograf roman. Stabilit in Lisabona, Portugalia. Specializat in fine-arts: pictura, fotografie artistica, prelucrare digitala a imaginilor.

site: http://danandrei.com/
blog: http://danandreiblog.com/
facebook: Dan Andrei

Exposição Fotográfica “Beautifully Imperfect”

O artista romeno Dan Andrei amplia a realidade, quebra os limites bidimensionais da fotografia e a transporta para o emocional. Novos significados surgem a partir da sobreposição das imagens em camadas. Apesar de independentes, os elementos dialogam entre si e comportam-se como uma única imagem. Dan Andrei faz vir à tona memórias, relíquias de um passado recente que misturadas transportam o observador para uma nova imagem. Uma materialidade que vai se construindo aos poucos na medida em que mais elementos são adicionados. As figuras perdem nitidez, mas ganham em significados, emanam magia (Jose Roberto Moreira, curador e galerista).

Há momentos na vida em que nos questionamos sobre significados, motivações e razões de estar na vida. Há momentos em que nos questionamos sobre a vida, tal como ela é ou como a imaginamos ser. Há momentos em que deixamos a nossa imaginação voar, em que nos permitimos sonhar. Às vezes é difícil distinguir se o mundo em que vivemos é realidade ou sonho. Dan Andrei é um sonhador. Ele passa por momentos assim, não é realista, e, tal como qualquer outro sonhador, não é perfeito, mas é lindamente imperfeito. A partir daí, ele tenta transformar a realidade em outra realidade, a sua própria realidade.

Dan Andrei nasceu na Roménia, actualmente vive e trabalha em Cascais.

Cocktail de Inauguração: Sábado, 30 de Julho, pelas 19:00hs.
( o artista vai estar presente )
Patente até 12 de Agosto, de Terça à Sábado, das 13:30 às 19:00hs.
Colorida Galeria de Arte
Costa do Castelo 63, Lisboa


Ion Paciu. Fotograf roman. Stabilit la Londra. Membru al Royal Photographic Society (RPS). Specializat in portrete si arhitectura.
Cursuri de fotografie: www.londondigitalphotographycourses.co.uk
Proiect “People I didn’t know”: http://peopleididntknow.co.uk/

“People I didn’t know” is a self initiated project which aims to shed new light on portrait photography. It all began when – a long time ago – I stopped someone on the street in London and asked them to pose for me. Well, if you live in London you know it’s the city of no eye contact, where everyone looks straight ahead and strives to keep their private life well, private.
The images for this project were made ad-hoc on the street, on the tube, in shops, bars and train stations using most of the time natural light – and very rarely artificial light consisting of no more than a flash on the camera. Only minor adjustments were made in post processing including the black and white conversion.

Every person in these images was, at the time of shooting, a stranger I stopped on the street and asked to pose for me. They are the people I didn’t know. With many of them I keep in touch regularly and some became my friends. Some of them became my models and they pose for my students during my photography courses.

‘People I didn’t know’ is a homage to human nature, the art of photography and a quest to bring together our solitary Londoner souls.

There are hundreds of images on my drive which need converted and uploaded. Images are being uploaded on a daily basis so please keep looking.

Ion Paciu
Photographer and trainer at Photoion Photography


Sebastian Enache. (n. 10 apr 1972). Fotograf de moda. Lucreaza pentru Elle, Cosmopolitan, Viva, Look, Glamour, Femeia, Bolero.
site: www.sebastianenache.com/

I am one lucky person to be able to work daily on my passion: photography! … and I am doing it since 1995.
Life is extremely surprising and inspiring when you capture its best moments. Places, people, animals, products, fashion, advertising, … you name it – I have them all as you can see inside this website.
The most beautiful thing about my passion is that it never ends and I always discover.

“Prima poza am facut-o in Alpi acum vreo 13 ani. Aveam un aparat din plastic dar care in conditii de lumina buna facea poze frumoase. Apoi m-a pacalit unul cu un Zenit vechi si aici s-a rupt filmul. Mi-am dat demisia din armata si m-am apucat de facut poze. Mai intai pe film, apoi pe diapozitiv si tot asa…. Zenitul l-am aruncat (eu n-am reusit sa pacalesc pe nimeni), dar parca mi-e dor de el – avea farmecul lui. Acum fac pe digital, fiindca asa e moda. Nu mai alerg dupa insecte, nu mai bat potecile de munte, ci sunt atent la machiaje, cute, sireturi… dar sa zicem ca e doar o etapa. O fi si altfel…

Printre revistele cu care colaborez: Elle, Cosmopolitan, Viva, Look, Glamour, Femeia, Bolero… “.


Catalin Anastase, fotograf roman, absolvent al IATC Bucuresti, in prezent stabilit in Sydney, Australia. Specializat in portret, fashion, fotografie comerciala, fotojurnalism, fotografie de teatru, balet.
Catalin Anastase a expus in Romania, Germania, Noua Zeelanda si Australia.
El a fost invitat in 2006 sa fotografieze la Opera din Sydney spectacolele stagiunii: “Turandot”, “Rigolleto”, “Flautul fermecat”, “Batavia” si “Piratii din Penzance”.
site: http://www.catalin.com.au
site: http://www.catalinanastase.com/

Catalin Anastase started photography in November 1987 with photojournalism and developed a light painting technique adapting it to nudes and objects because of his passion for people, theatre, film and still-image. He has made a concerted study of all aspects and genres in photography, taking up the challenge with every new project presented.
Catalin’s training as an actor provided him with a theatrical style in his experimentation as a photographer. His dramatic interpretation of imaging style is personified by mood in almost all his images of light allowing him to explore ‘Laser Nudes’ and ‘Laser Still Life’.
In 1995 Catalin exhibited this new technique in the International Festival for Photography in Burghausen. The principal theme was “Old Things in a New Vision” where he presented this novel technique with female bodies in a different light for the first time.
The need for a different style in nude photography and an alternative approach to the human being per se brought to Catalin a new understanding about the imagery and philosophy of women providing a catalysis his new technique. Under a light beam, the shape – essence of the body tends to stand out and imperfections tend to recede into the dark. The photographer and the model are connected through that light beam providing the single visual link producing the final image. There is no digital manipulation to the phenomena of light gliding over the human body.
In more recent years Catalin has exhibited throughout the world from Europe to New Zealand, experimenting with new techniques according to modern advances in digital technology.

Catalin Anastase is now living in Sydney, Australia


Stelian Pavalache (n. 1976) este membru al Asociatiei Fotografilor Romani (AFR) si al Extrem Alpin Asociation, administrator artistic al Dreamstime Agency.
Stelian Pavalache este unul dintre fotografii pe care nu ai cum sa nu ii invidiezi. A vazut lumea in lung si in lat, a fotografiat din Peru in India si Thailanda, a escaladat unii dintre cei mai inalti munti si a facut reportaje in sate izolate, departe de lumea civilizata.

site: http://www.photodesign.ro/

Satwa Guna este proiectul care v-a ocupat ultimii 9 ani. Cum a pornit acest proiect si ce v-ati propus sa realizati atunci cand l-ati inceput?

A pornit din dorinta de a cunoaste lumea personal, prin experimentare directa, de a recunoaste diversitatea formelor de educare personala, din fascinatia calatoriei in sine, din placerea de a urca muntii mari, de a fotografia lumile mai putin cunoscute oamenilor, de a relationa direct cu filosofii de viata unice in felul lor. Satwa Guna inseamna (in traducerea din sanscrita veche) Iluzia formei, si anume diversitatea manifestarilor provenite dintr-o sursa si radacina unica. Transpunerea in practica fotografica a acestei idei a fost motorul de inceput al proiectului, incercand astfel sa surprind similitudinile practicilor spirituale, practicilor sociale traditionale, obiceiurilor, porturilor, relatiile antropologice, geografice, etnografice etc. Cumva ingrata aceasta misiune gandind faptul ca o astfel de cercetare se cade a fi motivatia unui cercetator stiintific. Insa odata ajuns cu seninatatea si curiozitatea pura unui copi in lumea intima a oamenilor, acestia se dezvaluie teribil de curat, povestesc cu pasiune despre trecutul lor ancestral prin povestile stravechi ale bunicilor, prin tipologia practicilor spirituale, prin gesturi simple si profunde, prin priviri limpezi si zambitoare.”


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